A Journey Begins
Welcome to my website and into the Realm of TüNerahland, where the Bearers set out on an arduous quest and discover who they truly are, what they are truly made of, and what they are willing to sacrifice to fulfill their purpose in the tapestry of their realm.
Which brings me to one of my ardent pursuits in life: encouraging others to discover or rediscover their passion and purpose in life.
Thus, for my first post, I would like to focus on two types of people: the young and the old. Where one falls within these two categories depends on the individual. For often a person is in their latter years, yet bears a youthful soul; and often a youngster who is in grade school bears the wisdom of an old soul. How curious and insightful both of these groups of people are!
For the young person, I implore you to follow your passion, whatever that passion may be. Begin networking with people who share your passion. Establish mentors in your field of pursuit who seek to pass on their gifts and talents.
Trout swim upstream. And though they often swim together because they share a common goal, their difficult journey is all their own as they follow their singular purpose in life.
Continue to network, but stay focused on what sets you apart from others. Allow no one to pull you out of your sole purpose. Not even yourself.
Never give up! Never give in!
For the older person, mainly for those who may feel they have missed their mark, rekindle an old passion. Discover a new passion. Get focused. Conquer your fears. Build a network of like-minded people.
Silence that whispering voice that says you made all the wrong choices. Cast aside that nagging voice that says you were dealt a bad hand. Reshuffle your cards and play the game with more gusto than ever. Make your own rules. Break your rules. Make new rules. Forget there are rules.
Keep breathing and believe there is still time to conquer all of life’s adversities. Have faith. Acknowledge when your mind’s eye sees your destined future. Trust what your mind’s eye sees. Follow through with action and reaction, for these speak louder than words.
There is ample time to quit: Quit when you draw your last breath. Quit when you pass from this life to the next. Then, and only then, shall you allow yourself to quit!
The door is open. Walk through it and begin a journey that is destined to last a lifetime. And as you begin your own journey, I hope you enjoy accompanying the Bearers as they embark upon their own.