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A New Dawn

Snow melts under the rising Michigan sun as the dawn of spring slowly awakens nature from a long winter slumber. Trees have begun sprouting red and orange buds. Soon, flowers will stretch from the earth, greeting the sun a little more each day until they bring forth an array of colors against a backdrop of lush green grass.

A gentle spring breeze carries the promise of summer as two squirrels chase each other, competing for the best spot within the branches of tall trees surrounding my home. The sight reminds me of myself competing against the branches of time. Each branch representing family, friends, personal and business commitments that sprout in every direction, beckoning moments of my time. So too do I compete to find the perfect spot to claim as my branch of writing time: The true lifeblood of any writer.

As new life teems all around me, I welcome the blossoming year of fresh ideas and of my characters, old and new, who beckon for their story to be told in the second book within the series. Though one quest fades as another journey begins for the Bearers (and for myself) as I write Bearers of the Sacred Seven®: Dimensions in Time, the coming of spring has once again reminded me that I must approach this year’s writing endeavors with a newness all its own. No more fretting over last year’s broken branches of writing time.

The Bearers’ second adventure is underway, and choices must be made: Ones that may alter the course of time for themselves and for others. Lives will be touched and forever changed along the way. Will their choices affect the Realm of TüNerahland for the better? Or will their grand ideas be overshadowed by the displays of the principalities and powers of darkness with rulers in high places that are darker than they are even aware?

With those two questions left to ponder upon, might I share with you a quote from one of my favorite authors: “Beauty awakens the soul to act.” – Dante Alighieri. To me, his words imply that beauty has deep roots in the human soul. Might I expand upon his profound quote to create one of my own: “Like the dawning of spring, love awakens our soul to set in motion our character, propelling us toward acts of kindness, bursts of creativity, or dramatic dreams we aspire to achieve for ourselves and for others.”

As I write the second book in the series, I aspire to see the beauty in all that my eyes behold and to love deeper than I believe my soul can bear.

May the hand of L’Avior guide your footsteps, leading you toward an adventurous and fulfilling life!