Snow melts under the rising Michigan sun as the dawn
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From The Author’s Desk is a place for the author to express quotes she has written throughout the years which she feels may either be entertaining or inspirational to her fellow readers, writers, and artists.
A wordsmith is an artist who takes words, molds them into sentences, shapes them into paragraphs, and eventually creates a vivid tapestry of words that become a riveting essay, a heart-rendering poem, a soulful song, an elegant letter, and so forth. A wordsmith must take her rough draft, and pour over each individual word, every sentence, discerning whether to add, omit, or make an exchange to create her beautiful tapestry of words.
A wood-carver takes a block of wood, and meticulously chisels away creating a rough surface, only much later does he reveal a smooth work of art that becomes his final creation.